What Gun Is Best for You Based on This Personality Assessment?


By: Brian Whitney

5 Min Quiz

Image: PM Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Whether you own guns already and are a complete expert on them or are thinking of getting one and know nothing about them, there are certain types of guns that are going to suit you better than others. Some people want guns to hunt, other people want guns to protect their home, others like guns purely because they enjoy practicing shooting, while others have a job that requires them to carry a weapon.

Just like every gun is different, every personality is different as well. What kind of gun is right for you is essential, because buying a gun is a big decision; you definitely want one that you're comfortable with. If you're someone that is into guns or just thinks they might be someday, the relationship you have with your gun is a serious one, and you want to make sure you made the right decision.

Answer some questions about the way you view yourself and the world around you, and we'll be able to tell you a few things about what gun is best for you. Before you start though, make sure you're in a good comfortable position as we don't want you to injure yourself. Safety first!

What would you most like to do on a Friday evening?


All decades are good, but in your opinion, which of these decades was the best?"


What are you most likely to wear to work on an average day?


Where would you most like to eat out for a special occasion?


Which of these is closest to your daily driver?


You have the opportunity to talk about what you love in front of 2,000 people. How do you feel?


If you had to choose, which branch of the military would you join?


Of all the people that you hang out with, how many of them are truly close friends?


Do you tend to blow up your life when things are always the same?


Have you ever moved somewhere that you don't know anyone at all?


What law enforcement branch sounds like it might fit you best?


When you're jamming out in your car, what are you listening to?


Are you the type that always tries to buy local?


Do you consider yourself the kind of person that no one should mess with?


Are you a into clothes? How much do spend on clothing each month?


How would you do on passing a background test?


What would you do if you found out your spouse was cheating on you?


Do you have a lot of regrets about things you have done in the past?


Dreams can be nice sometimes, do you often remember yours?


What do you think when you see a homeless person?


Which of the following things do you wish you could be?


If you could go to any of these islands, where would you choose?


Love is tough to find, how many times have you been in love?


How hard is it for you to admit that you're wrong?


Do you think people would want to buy your autobiography?


If you were invited to a wedding where you knew no one and didn't have a date, would you go?


What is the one thing that makes a good life?


It's tough to get up in the morning, how many times do you hit snooze?


Are you the kind of person that likes to have roommates?


How much money do you give to charity each year?


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