Take This Quiz To See If You're More Daria or Quinn

By: Ian Fortey

5 Min Quiz

Image: MTV

About This Quiz

Can you believe how long ago "Daria" premiered? The show first aired on MTV way back in 1997 as a spin-off of "Beavis and Butt-head" of all things. Unlike the show that spawned it, "Daria" actually took the time to build realistic characters that you could relate to and even see yourself in. It was one of the only cartoons of its time that gave us a female protagonist who actually seemed like a real high school girl. She had a quick wit and a sharp tongue and just told things the way she saw them without much of a filter. Cartoon or not, she was one of the most realistic characters on TV. 

On the flip side was her sister Quinn, who demonstrated another side of high school life that most of us experienced at one time or another. She was that girl who was just so into herself and her group of friends and all the things that people might label as shallow or vain. The reality was that they were just two very opposite girls doing their own things trying to get through school, which is all that any of us can really do. 

So at the end of the day, which Morgendorffer sister were you? Do you have the pessimistic personalty of Daria or are you more of a light and flighty Quinn? Take the quiz and let's see.

How likely are you to judge someone just based on first impressions?


Is the glass half empty or half full?


Do you tend to lead the conversation or follow along?


It's a sunny summer day. What are you doing?


Would you call yourself more of a night owl or an early bird?


Would you rather cook a meal or just reheat something in the microwave?


If you were out driving, what would your radio be tuned to?


Be honest, do you think you're smarter than most people?


How do you feel about gray and rainy days?


Do people ever tell you that you're cool?


Does your attitude ever get you in trouble?


How many social media platforms do you use right now?


So how into memes are you?


Have people ever mistaken your sarcasm for meanness?


How long does it take you to get ready to go out?


Are you the kind of person who might exaggerate their own accomplishments to sound like you're better than you are?


Do you believe in the power of positive thinking?


How often do you catch yourself overthinking things?


How do you feel about organized sports?


Do you care if your clothes are name brand?


How do you handle problems in your personal life?


Are you good with confrontation?


Can you resist having the last word?


Do you feel like you fit a high school stereotype at all?


Extrovert or introvert?


Are you more Netflix or Disney+?


What gets on your nerves more than anything else?


What would be an ideal first date?


How do you handle bullies?


Generally speaking, what's your mood most of the time?


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