Are You More Blonde or Brunette?


By: Talin Vartanian

5 Min Quiz

Image: Unsplash by Alexandro Espinar

About This Quiz

Ever heard of the phrase, "the eyes are the window to the soul?" While we wholeheartedly agree with this, we also believe that someone's hair color defines their soul as well! And unlike eye colors, there are many shades of hair colors in this world that are either natural or dyed. Sure, there are wild hair colors like pink, blue and green, as well as rare shades like red and black, but today, we're going to look at two of the most popular hair colors: blonde and brunette.

Your hair color also says a lot about how other people perceive you. For example, did you know that brunettes are perceived as intelligent people who are approachable and easy to talk to? Don't worry though, this doesn't mean that blondes are dumb, because this hair color shows off someone's carefree, lively and outgoing personality. Blondes don't take life too seriously either, and they're typically very relaxed when it comes to stressful situations. And who doesn't want to be around someone who is optimistic with a heart of gold, right? So in this battle of blondes versus brunettes, where does your hair color (and personality) stand? Let's find out the truth with this fun beauty quiz!

Can you tell us what your role is like in your group of friends?


How would you describe your hair type?


Everyone has a certain type of beauty, but what is yours like?


Which of these female celebs do you look up to for fashionable inspiration?


On a bad hair day, your personality would suddenly morph into ...


If you saw a shooting star in the sky, what would you wish for?


What does the idea of success actually mean to you?


If you were going on a first date, how would you style your hair?


They say that "blondes have more fun" in life. How do you tend to have fun on a daily basis?


What type of element defines your personality the best?


Your wardrobe mainly consists of outfits that are ...


What kind of profession is your personality really suited for?


How would you describe your ideal dating partner?


Which of these nail polish shades captures the essence of your personality?


Is it really more fun to spend time alone or with friends?


What do other people tend to compliment you on?


How do you respond to the sour lemons that life hands you?


If you could be a princess of anything in life, what would you choose?


How does your mind tend to think when it comes to types of intellects?


If you could make a movie about your life, what genre would it be?


Can you tell us about the length of your hair?


How would you describe your worst enemies?


Ideally, your perfect vacation trip would be somewhere that is ...


You typically feel alert and productive during the _________ hours.


Your sense of style is primarily inspired by which of these seasons?


What kind of makeup look would you show off at glamorous party?


What type of pretty gown flatters your body type the most?


Your personality definitely belongs in which of these fashionable cities?


Which of these activities helps to calm you down after a stressful day?


What does your beautiful eye color say about your personality?


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